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Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue's Remarks on Palestine Leader Arafat's Passing Away
2004-11-12 00:00

Just several hours ago, we heard of the unfortunate news that Mr. Arafat, chairman of the Palestine National Authority had passed away. On learning this news, China's President Hu Jintao immediately sent a telegraph of condolences, extending deep condolences on the passing of Chairman Arafat and sincere solicitude to the Palestine people and relatives of Chairman Arafat. In his telegraph of condolences, President Hu Jintao said, Chairman Arafat is an outstanding statesman, the founder who established and actively promoted China-Palestine relations, and made extraordinary contribution to consolidating friendship between the peoples of the two countries. On the afternoon of November 11, Vice Premier Hui Liangyu, as President Hu Jintao's special envoy, will leave Beijing for Cairo, Egypt to attend the funeral of Chairman Arafat.

To realize the Middle-East peace is an aim President Arafat fought for throughout his life, also the common aspiration of the peoples of various countries in the Middle-East region. It is always China's position to promote peace talks on the Middle-East issue. We hold that the Palestine-Israeli disputes should be resolved in peace through political negotiation on the basis of relevant UN resolutions and the principle of "land for peace". We are ready to join hands with international community to make continued efforts for realizing comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle-East at an early date.

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